How Do Demons Have Legal Rights?
There are many factors that give demonic spirits legal rights into your life. See below on the 12/4/7 access list:
12/4/7 Demonic Legal Rights
The Twelve (12) Legal Rights:
Demonic legal rights listed below enter to allow demonic spirits to harass, oppress, torment, or make a person sick mentally or physically to a person. It gives them the right to remain until we cast them out.
Not honoring your parents or other authority.
Unforgiveness (God, others, or self). Demonic vows are another form of bitterness. "I will never be like ____.."
Sexual Sins outside of marriage or defiling the marriage bed. This also creates soul ties to another person.
Personal sins (envy and jealousy, accusation, pride, stealing, lying, rebellion, abortion, divorce, etc.). These are considered points of weakness in your generation, and the enemy works on you to have legal rights. When hurt, traumatized, or betrayed, we are often vulnerable to the enemy to attach himself to us by giving into temptation. It may be a false pathway to peace, such as drowning your hurt through TV not to feel or drink.
Ancestral sins known as Generational curses (sins of iniquity)
Word curses from others or over yourself (blessings vs. curses of the tongue. Words are very powerful, and demons attach to the words to carry them out.
Soul ties: Ungodly inordinate (co-dependency) issues of controlling others or others controlling you.
Murder (abortion) or other types of murder.
Traumatic Events (physical, spiritual, emotional, rape and molestation from others, loss through weather related, war, not nurtured, given away, neglected, etc.)
Believing the enemy over God’s Word
Idolatry (anything you put above God – people, things, organizations, heating modalities, etc.
Occult and New Age Modalities: Supernatural, mystical, or magical beliefs, practices, or phenomena – Serving other gods, witchcraft. Many people bring cursed objects into the house (idols, occult books, rings, movies, charms, Indian or pagan religion artifacts, etc. ) that can give demonic legal rights to cause torment, division in your marriage through strife, etc.
The Four (4) Sins from Others:
Born out of wedlock (demons enter in the womb - fear, rejection, lust).
Born into a witchcraft family (demonic attacks on the child - nightmares, and more).
Adoption/Abandonment (demons enter the womb: rejection, unloving spirits of self-hatred, fear). Divorce or breakup, loss of friendships, and death of significant people can create a broken heart. Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted.
Neglect, Abuse, Not Nurtured by significant other (parents, grandparents, etc.) - trying to fit in like people pleasing and not having a true identity in Christ.
Seven (7) Spiritual Root Issues that manifest because of the above:
Bitterness (feeling separated, depressed, uncontrolled rage, cannot stop replaying what others have done). It is a refusal to forgive in three areas. We are commanded to forgive. Forgiveness of another person's wrongdoing is not for them but for you. Vengeance belongs to the Lord.
Accusation (against self, others, or God). Satan is the accuser of the brethren. He accuses you by throwing fiery darts into your mind, reminding you of past failures, losses, sins, etc., when it is under the blood. He gets you to take it off the cross. This spirit can have a scrambling spirit to accuse others of believing what they said or meant when they didn't.
Envy and Jealousy (slander, false witness, discord, strife, dissensions, division, covet, scapegoat, etc.). Wars come out of jealousy. Example: Israel and the Middle East. Ishmail was rejected as the chosen. He represented the flesh since Sara tried to manipulate God.
Childhood Rejection (real or perceived: father, mother, siblings, friends, etc.). This opens the door to negative self-image and drivenness to get love and acceptance because of the failure of a parent(s) that did not validate.
Self-hatred (addictions, cutting self, tried or thought about suicide, depression, identity confusion, etc.
Fear (worry, anxiety, stress, panic attacks, phobias)- This generally comes out of not being loved properly or through traumatic events.
Bitterness towards God and the loss of interest in the things of God attacks the Occult or new age modalities. (symptoms: feeling a band around your head, depression, heaviness, oppression, throat problems, sexual attack, demonic attacks, unexplained pain or sickness, etc.)
Next are problems with wrong thinking that does not align with God's truth—strongholds of the mind can form and put you into bondage. Believing the lies of the enemy attacks your identity. Tearing down strongholds and removing legal rights, then casting out demonic spirits. Over our DNA are epigenetics that turn on and off because of our thoughts. Negative thoughts and harmful chemicals released in our bodies cause stress. Demonic spirits speak into our minds through fiery darts - lies from the reason that we believe, travel down our emotions - negative feelings, to behavior, and to actions—negative thoughts, negative actions such as anger, etc. Wrong belief long enough, diseases form. We are spiritual beings in a body (mobile home) between two spirit worlds that both speak to us: God or Satan. That is why it is so important to renew the mind with God's truth to reform and regrow healthy dendrites in the brain, creating Godly strongholds that are aligned with God.
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Have you gone through horrible traumatic events such as physical, emotional or sexual abuse and need some tender loving care? We offer a six-week program. Click on the image below to learn more.