Purging Your House of Curses | Touch of God Int'l
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Purging Your House from Evil Spirits audio teaching

Purging Your House, Pruning Your Family Tree is very important for every family to eliminate curses, spirits of iniquity, and familiar spirits. Since the spirit of iniquity can go back three to four generations back, we don’t know what is back there. This also deals with keeping things out of your home that can attract the spirits to have legal rights.

Our homes should be places of love and security, but demonic activity and hindrances often fill them with conflict, dissatisfaction, and disillusionment. Purging Your House, Pruning Your Family Tree takes you to the root of these issues, showing you how to rid your home and family of demonic influence and generational oppression.

How to Rid Your Home and Family of Demonic Influence and Generational Oppression

With his unique blend of Bible knowledge and spiritual insight, Perry Stone brings to light the devil's methods and strategies to launch his attacks against our families.

The insights in this book–if read, believed, and practiced–will help you to alter your present situation and prepare for a great emotional and spiritual future.


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Purging Your House of Curses

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