Donate and Giving Back
Tax benefits of donating to charity. We are a 501(c)3.

Give To Touch of God Int'l Ministries
Donating to Touch of God Int’l Ministries helps give back to the community and those in need. That is a noble act that can make a positive impact on society. There are various ways you can contribute.
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Great place to help missionaries around the world
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Teresa M. Morin

Lay not up for yourselves treasures on this earth where moth & rust corrupts & thieves break thru & steal. Lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where moth & rust does not corrupt & thieves do not break thru & steal. Where your treasures are, there your heart will also be. Mt. 6:19-21.God will bless you, and you will receive tax benefits for donating to charity.
Where Does Touch of God Give
We minister because we “freely have received, so we freely give.” We work on a volunteer basis, as do most of you. This is the best type of ministry to invest in if you appreciate the moving of the Holy Spirit. Those who give online contribute to a good cause through Touch of God, a 501-C-3 non-profit Christian corporation specializing in reaching out to those in desperate need who are typically overlooked in traditional Christian churches. We see those demons oppressed, and the physically, mentally, and emotionally ill often have nowhere to turn for help in most Christian ministries.
Your faithfulness and generosity mean so much to us. We have shared our hearts’ cries for those in bondage needing healing and deliverance from the kingdom of darkness.
When you Give Online, you support the following:
Support Missionary family (Luis and Michelle Prendez in Chihuahua, Mexico) on Facebook
People who need ministry and cannot afford and pay a discount.
You can support Refuge City for those rescued from Human Trafficking by giving, and we will provide the monies to Refuge City or Orphanages in Romania.
Helping the poor in Dallas/Fort Worth area through Many Helping Hands,
Orphanage in Romania and saving girls from Human Trafficking,
Support the Pakistan - Facebook (Mary Gill and Her Husband) and (Naveed Anjum), India or other ways - Mary Gill or Naveed Anjum. African people that share the gospel with the lost and minister and feed children, and help me to travel to these areas to do seminars on healing and deliverance and share the gospel,
Healing and Deliverance Conferences in Dallas/Fort Worth (scholarships), and
Other such as missionary to Tacloban, Philippines, and other areas,
Honduras Mission Trip was helping the poor and building churches.
Why don’t you GIVE ONLINE today by becoming a partner with Touch of God International Ministries?
Teaching in Taclobin,

Water Baptism