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The Greater the Trial, the Sweeter the Victory

Updated: Jan 27

Greater the trials sweeter the victory
Greater the trials sweeter the victory

Can you relate to this picture? Jesus had accusers, and I'm sure you have, too. Maybe God was taking you in another direction that affected people around you.

Trials and Tribulations Walkthrough - the Greater the Trial, the Sweeter the Victory

What are Trials and Tribulations

Walkthrough meaning in greek and/or hebrew:

The process of testing, trying, or putting to the proof: a trial of one’s faith. It is learning that greater the trial, the sweeter the victory.

The closest word that we can find in the Hebrew to closely resemble the idea of going through a trial is the word amad OT 5975 which means literally to stand or in some contexts it means to endure, to stand fast, to stand firm, to stand still.

The word Tribulation is only found one time in the Scriptures and it comes to us through the Greek word thlipsis (NT:2347) which means pressure, also, anguish, burdened, persecution, trouble.

The words conflict and or affliction, which are word #205 in the OT and it is the word aven which means [to pant (hence, to exert oneself, usually in vain; to come to naught); strictly nothingness; also trouble. vanity, wickedness]

Brokenness Through Trials and Tribulations Walkthrough! Why We Go Through Them, How to Survive Them and See God Amid Our Trials and Gain Wisdom and Understanding. Through Trials and Tribulations, you see areas in your life that need to be sanctified, but many times, with broken hearts from hurts, traumatic events, abandonment, and betrayals, it is hard to see what God is really doing in your life. In Isaiah, there is a promise for all of us:

In Isaiah 43: 2-5: 2 When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. 3 For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee. 4 Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee: will I give men for thee, and people for thy life.

Two Choices To Choose During Trials and Tribulations Walkthrough - The greater the Trial, the Sweeter the Victory

A great book by Smith Wigglesworth, and he said to indeed be used by God, you have to be broken. Brokenness comes in many forms and ways. When you go through betrayal, loss of reputation, being used by Christians, hurt, or significant loss, you have two choices: either forgive and praise the Lord through it or become bitter. We must decide to praise the Lord and thank the Lord regardless of what it looks like. Another Trials and Tributions Bible Quote.

“19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

Through trials and tribulations, our hearts are more tender than bitter. I still wonder why people act the way they do. But the answer is they are human and reacting to their beliefs. What they see is not always true, but it is true to them. Again, we do not fight flesh and blood. We must obey God and do what he wanted us to do. It is not always easy. Sometimes, our heart wants to expose the person who hurt us.

There was a time I was in a partnership in ministry. At first, it was great. But, then, it went south. I've learned that partnership, besides marriage, does not work most of the time. The Lord had other plans for me to move on to another type of ministry. I did it in obedience. Did the other person understand? Not at all. Lost the friendship that broke my heart. I worked with the board of directors, but she didn't like that I moved on. She became bitter towards me.

We say “God why when I was following you.” Then you learn you go through, regardless if it is true, brokenness does occur. Brokenness is good as long as it does not turn to bitterness. Brokenness pulls up what is truly in you – flesh or spirit. How do you react when others accuse you when not true? Trials and tribulations build character. Are you going to forgive those who accuse you when it is not true? Trials and tribulations is a test of your faith to be obedient to God no matter what the cost of what others believe.

At times, we can lose friends at all levels, sometimes many because of associations, etc. God is an excellent God full of love and tenderness. He provides new friends, family, etc., that are much healthier because God has to be the center of your existence. Out of my brokenness, I had to look at the sin in me that I would have never seen except through brokenness. I used to build friendships out of order. God has to be your all and not people. We serve a jealous God.

During the trials & tribulations, fear will creep in. In our time of decision to do it God's way, a fear of man sets you up to be controlled by others. We must watch our hearts to keep them pure during complicated friendships and partnerships. Don't blame the other person for what has happened. I had to look in the mirror and see what was in me for a relationship to be built wrongly. We go through life trials and tribulations since God is doing work in us. Trials and tribulations walkthrough only last for a short while but the Lord himself restores, confirms, strengthens, builds character, and establishes you back to Him according to 1 Peter 5:10 ESV

“And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and set up you.” It is the trails and tributions walkthrough that God is there with you.

Going through the trials and tribulations walkthrough, you have to stand fast in prayer and pray always to keep your heart right, especially when others try to destroy you because they are hurt and don’t understand the intent. Your heart often becomes broken, but you are given the choice to forgive those who break your heart. Romans 12:12 ESV

Our Attitude During Trials and Tribulations Walkthrough

Rejoice in hope, be patient in trials and tribulations walkthrough, be constant in prayer. The Lord is so good. He reminded us constantly that the temptation will not overtake us. When you are going through tribulations, the enemy tempts you with temptations to get back at the other person through accusation, ugliness, etc. Instead, I continued prayer because I knew my answer would not be accepted. We need to refuse to use any accusation against the person who hated us or believed what they believed was true. Another promise from God about trials and tribulations is in 1 Corinthians 10:13. “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation, he will also give the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” We must follow the Lord no matter what is going on. When I left the ministry because the Lord told me to lay it all down, I didn’t care if I ever prayed for another person or ministered. I was okay with being a bump on the log and no one in the kingdom. I wanted it to be that way, but the Lord would not let it go. He kept sending me people constantly. Even people from the other ministry, I had to turn them down because it would not be fair and unethical. I was going to be as honorable as I could be. It was hard since these people were desperate. I had to pray to make sure I did not give in.

Our reputation is at stake during these times. So, follow the Lord and become as ethical and reputable as possible. Make sure you pray for the other person that you may be leaving for another adventure the Lord wants you to do. They are hurting and often don't understand. You will have accusers. Didn't Christ?

Through our trials and tribulations and walkthrough tests, it is stretching to take us to a place of tenderness and into the wonders of God’s goodness. We must see Him in a different way I’ve never seen before. So, choose to trust the Lord and allow Him to guide our steps.

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