A Deaf and Dumb Spirit symptom is an occult spirit. In Mark 9:14-29 is one of the places we find this spirit talked about and described.
When a mother gives birth to a child who [right from birth] is unable to hear and speak, it is also possible that this is the work of a demon spirit.
The Dake Bible identifies ten specific symptoms that are manifested through this spirit. 1-Dumbness (vs18,25) 2-Deafness (vs25) 3-Foaming at the mouth (vs. 18,20) 4-Fits (vs. 18,20,26) 5-Gnashing of teeth (vs. 18) 6- Pining away, lifelessness, complete exhaustion (vs. 18,26) 7-Prostrations (vs. 20)
8-Suicidal tendencies (vs. 22) 9-Screaming (vs. 26) 10- Lunacy, insanity ( Mt.17:15). Also, blindness is an aspect found in Mat.12:22. It’s also interesting to me that in Mark 9:24 the father of the child cried out and with tears and said, “…Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.” And in verse 27, Jesus “took the boy by the hand and lifted him up, and he arose.”
Other symptoms of a deaf and dumb spirit include falling asleep while reading the word of God or attending church services. All this indicates involvement in the new age or generational curses in the generation's involvement with the occult or new age modalities.
As I was being delivered of this spirit, I had to be helped up as I had fallen with heavy prostration and pinning away along with other manifestations.
Are you feeling held back by a Deaf and Dumb Spirit or other symptoms? Do you feel tormented or stuck, unable to break free from what is holding you back? If so, perhaps you are in need of deliverance.
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