Learn how to reduce Acid Reflux - Treatment by Dealing With the Spiritual Roots of disease!
Did you know there is a way to overcome and reduce Acid Reflux Disease? Want to understand why you suffer from Acid Reflux? Acid Reflux is a spiritual problem of stress (a spirit of fear). Overcome and reduce acid reflux without taking medication, pills, etc. You don’t even need to go on an acid reflux diet.
Common sense is to stop eating large meals and drop spicy food before bedtime.
As you may not know, the spiritual root behind Acid Reflux Disease is a spirit of fear. The manifestation of fear operates as stress or worry about issues in life. What are you stressed about? Are you under the deadline and in fear of not completing it before the deadline? Are you a Type A personality driven to perfection, performance, and drivenness? Therefore, do you see the connection between Perfection, Performance, and Drivenness and the need for love, wanted or accepted through good works?
Do you worry about finances, children, jobs, etc.? Did you know you can cast your cares to the Lord? 1 Peter 5:7 says to cast your respects to the Lord because He cares for you. Also, you can have healing through Christian healing prayers.
Another element that goes right with the Spirit of Fear is a lack of trust in God, self, or others. You need to learn how to overcome Acid Reflex God’s Way. Have you been disappointed by your father, husband, etc., or even betrayed and cannot trust men to meet your need or wants? If your father was not there for you or was there but very harsh, it is hard to trust the Lord, but the Lord God loves you so much and cares about every detail of your life.
Sometimes, bitterness is the third reason for Acid Reflux Disease (GERD). Unforgiveness, a negative emotion, produces a chemical the bible calls gall, which is bitter and sets off the chemical imbalance in the gut. Job 20:12-29 “Though evil is sweet in his mouth And he hides it under his tongue…” Job’s food changed To the venom of cobras within him.
What we think and do in action plays a major role in our health. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Prov. 23:7
Is there fear of failure, rejection, or making a mistake! Do you fight with insecurity, such as not making the right decisions?
All the above elements are reasons why people have Acid Reflux Symptoms. Is the spiritual rooted in a spirit of fear manifesting as worry, anxiety, or stress? Yes, our lives are stressful, but through the Lord, there is peace when a person can trust God in everything. By applying Christian healing prayers, you can overcome Acid Reflux Symptoms.
What must I do about Acid Reflux Disease – Breaking Spiritual Roots of Acid Reflux Disease Causes?
How to overcome and reduce Acid Reflux disease - eliminating completely
First, take the time to repent for agreeing with the spirit of fear. Fear is a spirit that does not come from God. God is a God of peace and not stress. In 1 John 4:18, it says perfect love cast out fear. You need to trust, believe, and kick out the spirit of doubt and unbelief in the Lord.
Spiritual Warfare Deliverance Prayer Acid Reflux Disease Treatment:
Christian Healing Prayers:
Father God, forgive me for not trusting you and living in fear. I first receive you into my heart because I’m a sinner and need you in my life to give me peace.
Father God, I repent and renounce the spirit of fear in my life and my generations going back to Adam and Eve. I bind and break the spirit of fear off my life, manifesting as worry, anxiety, and stress. I command the spirit of fear to go to dry places now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Father God, I choose to accept your love and decide to cast my cares to you and not fret or worry. I permit you to control my life, and I choose to die to self and from self-sufficiency, self-reliance, etc. I prefer to trust you and others today, as well as myself.
I speak over my body and ask for a creative miracle to heal and dissolve any scars or sphincter in the lower part of my esophagus.
I speak healing to the hypothalamus reacting to the spirit of fear, and call it to go back to peace. All the tension in my body, soul, and spirit includes the central nervous system (the autonomic nervous system) and my esophagus to go back to peace.
I speak to the lining of my stomach and esophagus to relax and return to peace in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Father God, I speak to my adrenal glands and normalize the balance of epinephrine and norepinephrine.
The Father God, I speak healing and balance to all gastric acid and Pepin, gastrin secretion buildup, and call it to return to peace and stop misfiring.
Father God, I pray that histamine production will stop and all pain and inflammation will stop.
Father God, I thank you for the healing and praise your name to live everyday life in you. Amen.
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