The Asmodeus Destroyer of Men spirit.
You may have Asmodeus the Destroyer of Men, if you have a sex addiction. Who is Asmodeus, and Why Deliverance From Asmodeus Spirit?
Asmodeus comes from Persian mythology. He is the queen of lust. He was also known as Abaddon, Apollyon, and Beelzebub (Satan). Asmodeus Spirit is a sexually unclean spirit and destroyer spirit of death.
He is three heads, those of an ogre, a ram, and a bull, all sexually licentious creatures, having the feet of a cock, another sexually aggressive creature, and having wings and the tail of a serpent. He rides on a dragon and breathes fire.
Asmodeus, the destroyer of men, is a chief astrologer of hell and oversees the gambling houses in hell. He is a very busy Demon. Asmodeus is a Day Demon, among the legions of AMAYON and rules 72 legions of spirits. Asmodeus carries the title “King of the Demons”,
He teaches the arts of astronomy, arithmetic, geomancy, and craftsmanship. Asmodeus answers all questions, and he discovers and guards treasures.
Learn more about Asmodeus, Destroyer of Men
Asmodeus was of the order of Seraphim, and he carries the title “King of the Demons.” He governs the many realms of pleasure.
Jesus said, “But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery,” (Matt 5:32).
The Bible says, “keep thyself pure from sins,” (I Tim. 5:22). Also, see, “Flee youthful lusts; lovers of pleasure more than God; lead captive silly women with divers lusts.”
King Solomon had a problem with the Asmodeus demon. King Solomon died early in life. He had a concubine of thousands of women.
Some people summons him into themselves, and you become infernal agents blamed for the obscene sexual possession of the lovers. You will have a very big sexual appetite seducing many women and never satisfied.
I ministered to a person who summons this spirit. Not only was he unfaithful to his wife, but he was involved in sexual orgies. When he tried to get free, this demon would cause him to get drunk. When he got drunk, his behavior was evil. The spirits would take over and say they wanted to destroy him.
This demon wants to break the morals of both partners in a marriage. He is responsible for jealousy and uses it to promote adultery within the union. He is set up to destroy the Holiness of God in your life. Defile marriage. Asmodee encourages homosexuality as another means to destroy the institution of marriage.
This marriage-breaking spirit will cause a person to go towards homosexual or lesbian tendencies.
Questionnaire: Read through these statements and rate yourself using a score between 1 and 5.
1 = Never 2 = Seldom 3 = Usually 4 = Often 5 = Always
To determine your score, rate yourself on each statement below. List your scores, then add them and divide the total by the number of statements – for example: if your total is 60, then your score will be 60/19 = 3.15
Symptoms of these Spirits if you deal with more than three:
I experience intense feelings of lust
I have been, or am, involved in sexual sins
I have considered divorce
I am, or would like to be, intimate with members of the same sex
I experience sexual dreams
I am against marriage
Sex outside of marriage is ok
I have a problem controlling my desires
I have been involved in prostitution
I have a gambling problem
Addictions are a problem in my family lineage
Sex equals love
Sex with someone other than my marriage partner is acceptable
I masturbate
Sex with children is acceptable
I looked at pornographic material
I have participated in sexual orgies
I am driven by sex
I have been born in the wrong sexual body
Wome: I am frigid; Men: my wife is frigid
Anal sex is acceptable
Sex with animals is acceptable
If your score is between 1 and 2, this is not the main area where Satan and his demons have attacked you.
If your score is between 3 and 5 – Satan and his demons have successfully attacked you in this area. It would be best if you had deliverance.
How does someone get this spirit?
Summoning this spirit into your life.
Any sex outside of marriage can open the door. They come in through the eyes, ears, pornography, participation, and inheritance. They also lodge in the sex organs, prostate gland, intestines, kidneys, liver, rectum, breasts, and buttocks. Some were even discovered in the roots of the public hair. Oral sex demons lodge in the lips, tongue, taste buds, and throat.
Where Asmodeus is Prevalent
In America through our pornography industry. Hollywood pushes it and opens the door through movies and tv shows. He is the demon responsible for spirit husbands and wives in Africa (water spirits). The head of all water spirits, Marine, is half women and half fish. Another ruler of the water spirit is Leviathan. This is the same Leviathan who started the original rebellion with Belial.
Break the soul ties with partners
Lust spirits can lodge sex organs, prostrate gland, intestines, kidneys, liver, rectum, breasts, and buttocks. Some were even discovered in the roots of the public hairs. Oral sex demons lodge in the lips, tongue, taste buds, throat, genitals, the base of the brain, at the junction of the central nervous system and the spinal cord.

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